Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Confirming all rumors!

Well the rumors are true! Justin and I are expecting a baby! I am a little over 8 weeks (okay okay, 8 weeks and 4 days) and our due date is January 31st. I have been so blessed to not be sick yet - of course I'm constantly exhausted and I get a little nauseous when I eat, but other than that, I have been feeling wonderful. We had our first ultrasound last Thursday where we were able to see the baby on the monitor. We were in total awe to see how much is forming already. My doc said the baby was smaller than a grain of rice yet we could already see the head and could see arms starting to form. Amazing how technology has evolved.
I will post pics from the ultrasound as soon as I can get Justin to put them on a disc.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah! I'm glad you wrote about your new baby to be! Hope all is going well! Do you have a due date?